2.3.2021-3.3.2021 BOLD -workshop
FinBOL is holding a virtual BOLD –workshop on 2.3.-3.3.2021. The workshop is divided in two parts, the first one (2.3.) explaining how to prepare specimens for barcoding and the second explaining how to use the BOLD database. The workshop will be held in Finnish. For further information you can email Ella (ella.sippola(at) or Marko (marko.mutanen(at)
6.7.2020 FinBOL is searching for a new Project Researcher or Research Assistant
We are looking for a Project Researcher or a Research Assistant for the period 1.9.2020 – 31.8.2022. Additional information and how to apply
5.2.2020 LIFEPLAN – A Planetary Inventory of Life got Synergy ERC funding
The 12.6 million euro LIFEPLAN project, led by University of Helsinki professor Otso Ovaskainen, aims to establish the current state of biodiversity across the globe. Data collected in a worldwide sampling program will be analyzed using powerful modern methods such as DNA barcodes. The amount of collected data and new bioinformatic and statistical approaches enable characterizing biological diversity in a completely new way.
Read more about the project: LIFEPLAN
16-20.12.2019 DNA based species identification workshop at the University of Oulu
The five-day long DNA based species identification workshop held at the University of Oulu included both lectures and practicals. The lectures covered an introduction to the concept of DNA barcoding and metabarcoding as well as various applications of DNA barcoding. The workshop also covered the use of BOLD database and diverse ways to analyze DNA barcode data with different tools.
21.11.2019 Newest Barcode Bulletin is out
The Barcode Bulletin is an online publication that focuses on publishing scientific stories of the many applications of DNA barcoding. You can find the newest issue and learn more about the Barcode Bulletin from here.
7.10.2019 FinBOL has a new website
The websites of FinBOL have been updated. You can find the new pages from the same old address Vlad Dinca took the beautiful photographs of Finnish nature on the site. Jani Järvi took the picture of ashy mining bee from a collection specimen of Finnish Museum of Natural History.
1.9. 2019 Meri Lähteenaro is the new project researcher
Meri Lähteenaro was hired as a project researcher to process DNA barcoding specimens. She works in Helsinki at the facilities of the Finnish Museum of Natural History.